Psathyrella lutensis

Psathyrella lutensis

6th September 2015, Ladywell Fields
Growing in grass near oak tree. Group of three. Cap 1.5-2cm. No discernable smell but not enough to be sure. Very brittle stem. Could be another type of Brittlestem but this is the most likely. ID is best guess. Sporeprint blackish but not enough to be sure. Spores 7.5-9.5µ x 5.5-7µ.

17th December 2014, My Garden in Catford
Growing from earth beside old fence with mycelium on the wood. One. Cap 2cm. Stem 3.5cm. Fairly strong fungusy/mushroom smell. Hollow stem. ID is guess. Spores 9.5-11µ x 6.5-8µ.
